From Ground: First, water the native fuchsia plant so that soil becomes damp. This will keep the root ball intact and make extraction easier. Dig a circle around the native fuchsia plant with your garden spade. Remember, the wider and deeper you dig, the more you will safeguard the roots. Lever the plant gently out of the ground, take care to fully support the root ball.
From Pot: Water the native fuchsia plant until water runs out the bottom of the pot. Tip: try squeezing the sides of the pot to loosen the root ball. Support the plant at the base and tip it upside down to ease out the native fuchsia plant, remember handle the plant by its root ball and not its stem or leaves.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray and then use a utensil like a spoon to carefully lift the native fuchsia plant and its surrounding soil out of the tray, avoid damaging the sensitive and small root system of the seedling.