- From Ground: First, water the wild carrot plant to dampen the soil, making it easier to work with. Dig a wide trench around the plant using a shovel or spade, ensuring the plant's root ball remains intact. Carefully work the spade under the root ball to lift the plant from its original location. If possible, avoid damaging any taproots, as wild carrot plants rely on these for nutrition.
- From Pot: Water the wild carrot plant in its pot to moisten the soil and help it separate from the sides of the container. Gently tip the pot on its side or upside down, holding on to the base of the plant to guide it out of the pot. Be cautious not to damage the root ball or main stem during this process.
- From Seedling Tray: Moisten the potting mix around the wild carrot seedling to help it separate from the tray. Carefully lift the seedling by its cotyledons (first leaves) or true leaves and carefully disentangle the roots from any neighboring seedlings.