From Ground: Firstly, ensure to water the osage orange plant to moisten the soil which makes it easier to uproot. Use a shovel or spade to carefully dig a broad circle around the plant, taking care not to damage the roots. Once dug, gently work your way under the root ball and cautiously lift the plant out of the ground.
From Pot: Start by
watering the pot until the soil is decidedly damp but not soaking wet. Tilt the pot sideways and while supporting the base of the plant, gently pull it out. Be mindful if it does not come out easily, you might want to tap the sides and bottom of the pot to loosen the roots and avoid any damage.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedlings till the soil is moist. Using a spoon or a small gardening tool, carefully lift each seedling out of its compartment. Be gentle and avoid pulling or struggling as this can hurt the young roots.