From Ground: To remove the indian rose chestnut, first carefully irrigate the soil around the plant to make it softer. Dig around it with your shovel, making a circle wider than the outer limit of the plant's leaves. Make sure you dig deep enough to avoid cutting the roots. Undercut the root ball with the shovel and lift the plant from the hole.
From Pot: If the indian rose chestnut is in a pot, watering it will make the removal easier. Turn the pot on its side and tap the rim on a solid surface. This should free the root ball, allowing you to carefully slide the plant out. Be careful not to damage the roots.
From Seedling Tray: If indian rose chestnut is a seedling, use a spoon or a small tool to carefully lift the seedling with minimal root damage. The seedling should be lifted out with enough soil clinging to the roots to provide protection during transportation.