From Ground: Start by watering the samurai orchid plant thoroughly to loosen the soil around the roots. Make a wide circle around the plant with a trowel, ensuring the plant's root ball isn't damaged. Gently lift the plant from its original location while keeping the root ball intact. If there is resistance, dig a little deeper until you can comfortably lift the plant and its root ball.
From Pot: Water the samurai orchid thoroughly before you start the process of repotting. Turn the pot upside down while carefully holding the plant at its base. Tap the bottom of the pot sharply to dislodge the plant. If the plant is stuck, run a knife around the inside of the pot to loosen the soil.
Seedling Tray: For a seedling tray, use a small fork to gently lift the seedlings out of their cells. Hold the samurai orchid by their leaves to prevent any damage to the stem or roots.