From Ground: Start by watering the japanese white pine sufficiently to minimize stress during removal. Then, dig a broad trench around the japanese white pine using a spade or shovel, while ensuring the root ball stays intact. Carefully work the spade under the root ball and gently lift the japanese white pine from where it's grounded.
From Pot: Water the japanese white pine before transferring it from the pot, then gently tilt the pot sideways, if it’s small, or lay it down if it’s a larger pot. To avoid damaging the plant, try to keep the soil and roots together as you ease the japanese white pine out of the pot.
From Seedling Tray: If the japanese white pine is still a seedling in a tray, make sure it's well hydrated before attempting to remove it. Gently hold the stem and tugging gently. If resistance is felt, utilize a butter knife to ease around the dirt and help lift it.