From Ground: First, water the american Vetch plant to dampen the soil, making it easier to work with. Use a shovel or spade to dig a generous perimeter around the plant without disturbing the root ball. Carefully slide the tool beneath the root ball to freelift the american Vetch, ensuring minimal root disturbance.
From Pot: Begin by watering your american Vetch plant to make the roots more pliable. Turn the pot to the side and gently tap or roll it to loosen the root ball. Tip the plant and coax the root ball out while supporting the plant's base and stem with your other hand.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedling tray to ensure the roots are not dry. Gently loosen the soil around the individual american Vetch seedling using a garden trowel or your fingers. Carefully pull the seedling out by the base of its stem, making sure to keep as much of the root system intact as possible.