Is Grain sorghum Good for Feng Shui
(Sorghum bicolor)
Grain sorghum, also known as Durra, Jowar, Indian Millet, Pampas Rice, Egyptian Millet, Great millet, Common wild sorghum, Broom millet, Forage sorghum, Sudangrass, Milo
Grain sorghum holds a certain mystique in Feng Shui, symbolizing versatility and resilience, which infuses a premise with positive chi. The plant reveals an intriguing compatibility with the East-facing direction, representing wood-element, aligning with the sturdy, upright growth of grain sorghum. The chi of grain sorghum harmonizes with the vigorous energy that the East direction signifies, promoting growth and prosperity. However, as Feng Shui is a complex art, individual experiences may vary.