Little ironweed, often referred to as 'Little ironweed', originated from the tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. This plant is classified as a weed due to its robust ability to reproduce and spread. Little ironweed's resilience in diverse environments, coupled with its prolific seed production, allows it to grow unchecked and inhibit growth of other plants. Furthermore, it thrives in disturbed lands, which can be detrimental to gardens as it outcompetes native plants for nutrients and sunlight. Little ironweed is also known to invade agricultural lands and graze lands, causing potential destruction. The harm it poses to gardens is mainly its capability to overrun a good portion of lawn or bed plants due to its rapid spreading nature. Its principal means of propagation is through its seeds, which are dispersed by wind and water. These seeds can remain dormant in the soil for several years before they germinate, making little ironweed difficult to eradicate once established.