Bitter dock: This plant has a bitter rootstocks. The word, dock can be used as a common name for grass weeds. Generally, those plants with dock in it are usually grass weed. Rumex obtusifolius has been listed as harmful weed, so it is called bitter dock.
Broad-leaved dock||Round-leaved dock||Blunt-leaved rock||Butter dock: This plant is given many names that are based on the characteristics of their leaves. For example, if the leaves are especially huge, it can reach a length of 41 cm in which it is called the broad-leaved dock; if the leaves are huge and oval-shaped, it is called the round-leaved dock. As obtusifolius means "obtuse-leaved", it is then called blunt-leaved rock. In the 19th century, its leaves were used to wrap butter. Hence, it was called butter dock.