Garden Use
The chinese ixora does well as a hedge plant, good for planting in gardens and courtyards, because of its dense growth and bright blooms. It is commonly seen in many gardens due to its beauty and low maintenance requirements. It is prized for its ability to mark boundaries and be pruned into a tidy growth pattern. It does well in cottage gardens and is typically planted with other flowering bushes like the butterfly bush and boxwood wintergreen.
Interesting Facts
It is said that the Ishtha people in Myanmar have a very romantic and interesting marriage custom. Since ancient times, they have lived near the water. Every family with a daughter would build near their house a floating garden with bamboo and wood, planting chinese ixora on it, and then tie it with ropes. On the daughter's wedding day, they would dress her up beautifully, then have her sit in the floating garden, and finally cut off the rope and let it float down the river. Early in the morning, the groom would wait on a downstream shore, ready to welcome the small garden carrying the bride. When the garden boat arrived, the groom would grab the rope and pull it ashore, then lead the bride home for the wedding.
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