Nimblewill is a plant native to North and South America. Despite its geographical origins, this plant is often categorized as a weed due to its fast-growing, invasive nature. Its ability to rapidly reproduce and spread through an extensive root system contributes to its weed status. One of its hallmark characteristics is its outstanding adaptability, enabling it to take hold in various soil types, light conditions, and temperatures. This resilience makes nimblewill particularly harmful to gardens as it competes with desired plant species for nutrients, sunlight, and water. Its tendency to form dense mats of foliage also restricts the growth of other plants, leading to monoculture and loss of biodiversity in the garden. Nimblewill's primary mode of dissemination involves stoloniferous growth, meaning it produces creeping above-ground stems or runners. These stolons extend outwards, enabling the plant to colonize new areas and outcompete other plants.