Frost grape poses a moderate toxicity risk to cats and dogs. Both felines and canines can be poisoned by ingesting the fruits, leading to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Immediate veterinary care is crucial if any part of frost grape is ingested. Preventing access to the fruits is essential for pet safety. frost grape poses a moderate toxicity risk to dogs. The primary method by which dogs can be poisoned is through ingestion. Specifically, the fruits of frost grape contain the toxic elements that are harmful to canines. If a dog consumes these fruits, it may exhibit symptoms indicative of poisoning, which could include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or more severe signs depending on the quantity ingested. It is essential for dog owners to monitor their pets and prevent access to the fruits of frost grape. In the event that a dog does ingest any part of this plant and displays symptoms of distress, it is critical to seek immediate veterinary care to ensure the best possible outcome for the affected animal.