How to identify Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea)
Reed canary grass exhibits robust clumps that form dense monotypic stands often seen along waterside locales and in moist open fields. These plants stand tall at heights ranging from 6 to 9 feet (approximately 180-275 cm). Notable are the plant's extensive rhizome systems, which, along with its prolific seeding capacity, contribute to its aggressive spread. Visually, reed canary grass can be identified by its reed-like appearance, highlighted by a collection of broad, blade-like leaves and a tough, hollow stem structure.
Height ranges from 6 to 9 feet (180-275 cm), towering over many other plants.
Distinctive reed-like appearance with broad, blade-like leaves and tough, hollow stems.
Flowers in tight panicles, greenish-white to pinkish, pyramid-shaped, 0.08 inch (2 mm) in size.
Leaves measure 1-4 feet (30-120 cm) long, with longitudinal white stripes and arching habit.
Smooth green stem, can grow up to 6.5 feet (200 cm) tall, sturdy, fibrous quality.
The leaves of reed canary grass are rough and flat, green in color, with a gradual taper to the tip. They measure 1-4 feet (30-120 cm) in length and 3/4 to 1 inch (2 to 2.5 cm) in width. These long, strap-shaped leaves feature longitudinal white stripes and tend to arch when mature. The texture is coarse, and the variegated pattern provides a distinctive appearance, aiding in identification.
The flowers of reed canary grass are arranged in tight panicles comprising tiny blooms that are greenish-white to pinkish in color. They typically appear in early summer. Each flower measures about 0.08 inches (2 mm) in size. The panicles are somewhat pyramid-shaped and can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) long, providing a dense, plume-like appearance. These flowers do not have a noticeable scent, making visual identification through their distinct color and shape essential.
The stem of reed canary grass is characterized by its smooth, green texture and occasional hollow sections. These stems are typically upright and can reach heights of up to 6.5 feet (200 cm). They are cylindrical and relatively thick, with a diameter ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 inches (3 to 8 mm). Featuring a non-woody appearance, the stems exhibit minimal branching and possess a sturdy, fibrous quality, making them a key identifying feature.
The fruit of reed canary grass is a small dry caryopsis (grain), encapsulated within a dual structure of bracts known as the lemma. Initially green, the fruit's supporting inflorescence shifts to purplish hues before settling into a tan color upon maturity. The variation includes both sterile and fertile lemmas, with the fertile ones enclosing the seeds that are crucial for propagation. Each grain is typically minute, with length measurements being less than a quarter of an inch (around 6 mm), favoring dispersal by winds or water.
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The pepper are commonly used for cooking in places such as the Southern U.S. and Central America. Most are moderately spicy, though because there are so many variants, the spice level can vary dramatically. Cayenne powder is also a popular seasoning product made from pepper plants.
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Scientific Classification of Reed canary grass