We offer an accessible and comprehensive 'Plant Parts Glossary', a key resource for deciphering the language of plants. This concise guide is ideal for students, budding botanists, or plant enthusiasts, demystifying plant anatomy with simple terms. It's more than just a glossary; it's your gateway to understanding the intricate world of plants, their structure, and functions.
Each leaf stalk bears only one leaf.
A single leaf stalk bears multiple leaflets arranged in a feather-like pattern.
A single leaf stalk bears multiple leaflets that spread out from a single point.
A single leaf stalk bears three leaflets.
It looks like a single leaf, but it's actually a compound leaf. There is a clear articulation between the petiole and the leaf blade, and the petiole is winged on both sides
Resembles an egg in shape, wider at the base and tapering towards the tip.
Heart-shaped, with the notch at the base.
Ovate with the narrower end at the base.
In the shape of an ellipse, or a narrow oval; broadest at the middle and narrower at the two equal ends.
Lance-shape, much longer than wide, with the widest point below the middle.
Round or nearly circular in shape
Resembles a sword, with parallel sides and a sharp tip.
Lanceolate with the more pointed end at the base.
The shape of a heart with the pointed end at the base
Arrowhead-shaped, with the basal lobes directed downward.
Resembles a rhombus, typically with four equal sides.
More or less circular, with the stalk attached at a point on the underside,not the edge of the leaf
Long and narrow in shape, resembling a strip or ribbon.
Resembles a spoon,broad at the apex and tapered to the base.
Slender and elongated, resembling a needle.
Resembles a fan, usually semi-circular in shape.
Triangular in shape, having three angles and three sides.
Longer than elliptical, usually rounded at both ends,with nearly parallel sides.
Leaves resembling fish scales, typically small and closely overlapping, as seen in cypress.
Resembles a cylinder, typically long and straight,usually succulent.
Resembles a fiddle in outline, with a pair of sinuous indentations near the middle
Resembles an agricultural sickle, generally curved.
(Of a single leaf) Having several lobes (typically 5–7) whose midribs all radiate from one point.
The upper part is narrowly triangular, like a spearhead, with a pair of basal lobes turned outward rather than downward.
Heart-shaped, with the notch at the base.
With the base square or flattened at the end, not tapered, as if cut off.
One side of the leaf base is longer or wider than the other side.
The leaf base tapers gradually, resembling a wedge.
Round or nearly circular in shape
Having one or more structures shaped like an ear or earlobe at the base of the leaf
(Of a stalkless leaf or bract) Extended at the base to encircle the node, so that the stem apparently passes through it.
The leaf base tapers gradually and extends downwards.
The leaf base partly surrounds the stem but doesn't completely encircle it.
Leaf base with a pair of lobes, extending outward
A membranous scale on the inner side of the leaf sheath at its junction with the blade.
The base is shaped like an arrowhead with downward-pointing lobes.
The stalk attached at a point on the underside,not the edge of the leaf
The top of the leaf is sharp, and the margins on both sides of the top of the leaf are concave inward.
The leaf apex is round or blunt.
The leaf apex suddenly becomes very pointed.
The leaf apex has one or more small indentations.
The leaf apex extends into a tail-like structure.
Leaf tip bears a very short, sharp point.
Leaf tip has a long, bristle-like point.
(Of a single leaf) Having lobes on either side of the midrib, typically in pairs opposite each other.
(Of a single leaf) Having several lobes (typically 5–7) whose midribs all radiate from one point.
The leaf margin has sharp, tooth-like projections.
The leaf margin is smooth, with no teeth or notches.
The leaf margin has a wavy appearance.
The leaf margin has blunt, tooth-like projections.
The leaf margin curls downwards or inward.
Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem.
The leaves are paired at a node and borne opposite to each other
Three or more leaves are arranged in a circle at the same height on the stem.
Multiple leaves grow closely together from a single point.
With the leaves arranged in basal rosettes, the stem very short or lacking .
The leaves extend and spread close to the ground, and are usually arranged irregularly.
(Of a leaf) Having its base folded and partly enclosing the leaf next above it, as in an iris.
The leaf surface is smooth with no hairs or other textures.
The leaf surface has a rough or coarse texture.
The leaf surface is covered in soft,fine hairs.
The leaf surface has folds or wrinkles.
The leaf surface is covered in stiff hairs.
The leaf surface is covered in a powdery or frost-like substance.
The leaf has a paper-like texture
Resembling or having the texture of leather.
Having the characteristics of an herb,and persisting usually for a single growing season
The leaf is thick and juicy.
The leaf texture is thin, soft, may be translucent.
A single flower, without any inflorescence structure.
Flowers densely clustered, born at node of stem.
Inflorescence axis single, long, bearing stalked flowers, flowering order bottom to top
Pedicels of lower flowers are longer, and those near the top of the inflorescence are shorter. All flowers in the inflorescence are on the same plane.
The inflorescence radiates from a single point via multiple flower stalks of equal length.
Sessile flowers are arranged in a vertical, elongated cluster.
An inflorescence consisting of a dense spike or raceme of apetalous, unisexual flowers, as in Salicaceae and Betulaceae.
All flowers in the inflorescence are on a fleshy stalk.
A dense cluster of sessile or subsessile flowers
An inflorescence composed of two or more racemes or racemiform corymbs.
An inflorescence consisting of multiple smaller spikes.
An inflorescence made up of multiple smaller umbels.
An inflorescence made up of multiple smaller umbellets.
An inflorescence made up of multiple smaller capitula.
A type of cymose inflorescence with only a single main axis.
A cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces two opposite or subopposite lateral axes.
A cymose inflorescence with more than two branches from the main axis.
The characteristic inflorescence of the spurges, resembling a single flower. It consists of a cup-shaped involucre of fused bracts enclosing several greatly reduced male flowers and a single female flower.
An inflorescence with flowers borne on the walls of a capitulum, as in Ficus.
Cymes pseudowhorled in axils of opposite leaves or bracts
A flat-topped or round-topped inflorescence, in which the terminal flower blooms first.
Mass of scales or bracts, usually ovate in shape, containing the reproductive organs of certain nonflowering plants
Corolla consists of four petals arranged in the shape of a cross.
The petals are free and similar, with a wide limb and a short claw that spreads outwardly.
Butterfly-like, as the irregular corolla of a pea, with a banner petal, two wing petals, and two fused keel petals.
Corolla is tube-like, long and straight.
Corolla with a slender tube and an abruptly spreading, flattened limb
Corolla resembles a funnel, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
Corolla is short and wide, resembling the shape of an urn.
A form of corolla that is flat and tongue-shaped, typically found in some daisies
Corolla is divided into an upper and lower lip, resulting in an asymmetrical shape.
Corolla features a long, tubular extension known as a spur.
The flower lacks a corolla.
Having a large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster of certain plants
Petals or sepals overlap like roof tiles.
Petals or sepals are tightly connected, resembling forceps.
Usually applied to a cluster or group of small fleshy fruits originating from a number of separate pistils in a single flower, as in the clustered drupelets of the raspberry.
A fruit formed from several separate flowers crowded on a single axis, as a mulberry or pineapple.
A fleshy fruit developing from a single pistil, with several or many seeds, as the tomato. Sometimes applied to any fruit which is fleshy or pulpy throughout, I.e. lacking a pit or core.
A fleshy, indehiscent, many-seeded fruit with a tough rind, as a melon or a cucumber.
A fleshy berry-like fruit with a tough rind, as a lemon or orange.
A fleshy, indehiscent fruit with a stony endocarp surrounding a usually single seed as in a peach or cherry.
A small drupe, as in the individual segments of a raspberry fruit.
A fleshy, indehiscent fruit derived from an inferior, compound ovary, consisting of a modified floral tube surrounding a core, as in an apple.
A dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel and usually opening along two lines of dehiscence, as a pea pod.
A dry, dehiscent fruit of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), with two valves separating from the persistent placentae and septum (replum). A fruit typically less than twice as long as wide, called silicle. A fruit typically more than twice as long as wide, called silique.
A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of a single carpel and opening along a single side, as a milkweed pod.
A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel.
A small, dry, indehiscent fruit with a single locule and a single seed, and with the seed attached to the ovary wall at a single point, as in the sunflower.
A fruit with two fused carpels while only one locule, and only one seed per fruit is formed.
A dry, indehiscent, winged fruit.
A dry, one-seeded, indehiscent fruit with the seed coat fused to the pericarp, as in the fruits of the grass family; a grain.
A hard, dry, indehiscent fruit, usually with a single seed.
A dry, indehiscent fruit which splits into separate one-seeded segments (carpels) at maturity.
A small, thin-walled, one-seeded, more or less bladdery-inflated fruit.
A small nut; one of the lobes or sections of the mature ovary of some members of the Boraginaceae, Verbenaceae, and Labiatae (Lamiaceae).
A berry-like structure composed of an enlarged hypanthium surrounding numerous achenes.
A seed-bearing organ on gymnosperm plants. It is usually woody, ovoid to globular, including scales and bracts arranged around a central axis, especially in conifers. The female cone structure varies more markedly between the different conifer families.