How to identify Cape honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis)
Cape honeysuckle is an evergreen that can adopt either a shrub-like or vine-like habit. As a shrub, it reaches heights and spreads of 7-10 feet (2.1-3 meters), whereas it can stretch up to 25-30 feet (7.6-9.1 meters) as a vine, sometimes extending further. Its leaves are odd-pinnately compound, typically comprising 5 to 9 ovate, dark green leaflets with serrated edges. Vibrant and conspicuous, the trumpet-shaped flowers come in shades of yellow, orange, or red and flourish from fall to spring, bringing a prolonged period of visual interest. The plant finishes its reproductive cycle with thin, elongated fruit capsules.
Trumpet-shaped flowers in vibrant red, orange, yellow, or salmon shades.
Odd-pinnately compound leaves with 5-9 ovate, serrated, dark green leaflets.
Fruit capsules 3-7 inches (7.6-17.8 cm) long, light brown, with winged seeds.
Gray, flexible stems without thorns, growing up to 30 feet (9.1 meters).
Leaves glossy, glabrous, dentate, evergreen, smooth, and shiny, creating a lush appearance.
The leaves of cape honeysuckle are odd-pinnately compound, opposite, green, glabrous, and glossy. The margins are dentate. Each leaf comprises 5 to 9 leaflets, which are ovate in shape, typically measuring up to 2 inches (5 cm) long. They are evergreen in most regions but may shed in colder climates. The leaves are smooth and shiny, creating a vibrant, lush appearance.
Cape honeysuckle flowers are trumpet-shaped, 2 inches (5 cm) long, and five-lobed, appearing in clusters. Their colors vary from red, deep orange, yellow, to salmon. Color shifts with climate: red in cooler surroundings and orange in warmer ones. The blooming period can be somewhat unpredictable, with potential year-round flowering in suitable climates, making them an attractive identification feature.
The stems of cape honeysuckle are gray and flexible when young. They measure approximately 1/8 inch (3 mm) in thickness and exhibit a smooth texture. The stems lack any thorns or tendrils, contributing to their sleek appearance. As they mature, the gray color deepens slightly, but the flexibility remains until they fully mature. The branching pattern is relatively sparse, with new shoots emerging from various points along the stem, giving the plant a somewhat open structure.
The fruit of cape honeysuckle is a slender capsule that ranges in length from three to seven inches (around 7.6 to 17.8 cm). Upon maturity, these capsules exhibit a light brown coloration and possess a somewhat woody texture. Each capsule houses numerous small seeds equipped with two papery, membraneous wings. These wings are an adaptation that aids in the distribution of the seeds by wind, enhancing the plant's ability to propagate. The seeds' winged design is a characteristic feature that aids in their recognition and distinction from other species.
Gardenia jasminoides is an evergreen shrub with unique, glossy evergreen leaves and stunning flowers. The sophisticated, matte white flowers are often used in bouquets. The exceptional beauty of this ornamental plant has made it a popular and highly appreciated plant amongst gardeners and horticulturalists.
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Solanum lycopersicum is an annual or perennial herbaceous vine native to Central and South America that produces a large, juicy, edible fruit known as tomato. Today there are over 10000 cultivated varieties. Although tomato is the world’s most popular vegetable, botanically it is a fruit.
The pepper are commonly used for cooking in places such as the Southern U.S. and Central America. Most are moderately spicy, though because there are so many variants, the spice level can vary dramatically. Cayenne powder is also a popular seasoning product made from pepper plants.
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Scientific Classification of Cape honeysuckle