Top 20 Most Common Flower of Winter Plants in Glendale Heights
In the city of Glendale Heights in Illinois, United States, several flowering plant species add vivid color in the otherwise bleak winter landscape, including Garden cosmos, Florist kalanchoe, and Prairie blazing star. Garden cosmos, known for its pinnae-form leaves and showy, open-branched inflorescence, can bloom till early winter provided it is protected from freezing temperatures. Florist kalanchoe flourishes even in winter months, producing striking flowers of various colors. It prefers bright light and well-drained soil for optimal growth. Similarly, Prairie blazing star unveils bright yellow flowers in late autumn to mid-winter, stealing attention in snowy winters. It admires moist, acidic, organically-rich soils, and partial to full sun. The region's cold winter temperatures catalyzing dormancy and re-blooming in these plant species, while the acidic soil common in this area particularly favors Prairie blazing star growth.
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In Glendale Heights, you can find Pokeweed, Common milkweed, Common buckthorn, Mulberry, Bittersweet, and more! There are 50 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or public gardens.