Top 20 Most Common Flower of Winter Plants in Mattoon
In Mattoon, Illinois, United States, some unique species of flowering plants can be found thriving despite the region's typically chilly winters. Notable among these are Garden cosmos, Busy lizzie, and Sulfur cosmos species. The Garden cosmos typically brightens the region's garden landscapes through late summer until early winter. This species, noted for its fern-like leaves and showy flowers, blossoms best in full sun, making the most of the reduced daylight hours of winter. The Busy lizzie is another winter plant species in Mattoon. Its vibrantly colored, balsam-like blooms effectively tolerate the mild winter frosts, requiring shade and moist, well-drained soils. Finally, the Sulfur cosmos - while it primarily blooms in the spring, under favorable conditions, it can pleasantly surprise with winter blooms. These plants grow best in acidic, humus-rich soil and partial to full shade, which aligns with the soil composition and sunlight exposure in Mattoon. These species' combined blooms contribute to the botanical beauty of Mattoon, Illinois during the winter season.
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