Yellow goat's beard originates from Europe and has spread across the globe. It is often considered a weed due to its ability to reproduce rapidly and its vibrant growth in a wide range of soil conditions. Its seeds are light and fluffy, they can be transported by wind to new locations. This allows the plant to colonize rapidly, displacing other plant species and disrupt the balance of an ecosystem or garden. Notably, the plant can produce up to 12,000 seeds per plant in one season, which increases its potential to spread aggressively. While not particularly harmful, its competitive nature can choke out desirable plants in a garden setting. If you choose to grow it, look out for a plant with a height of 1-2 feet, daisy-like yellow flowers, and a distinct pappus that looks like a small, fluffy parachute. This pappus, or bundle of hairs, is actually one of the main ways yellow goat's beard spreads, as it helps carry the seeds via wind to new locations for germination.