Top 20 Most Common Weeds in Charleston
Nestled amidst the humid, subtropical climate of Charleston, South Carolina, urban gardens face the tenacious grasp of invasive weeds. These unwelcome guests thrive on the balmy weather and plentiful rainfall, often outpacing desired flora. The presence of Poison ivy, Pepper vine, and Chamber bitter highlights the Sisyphean battle against these verdant invaders. Despite gardeners' best efforts, these pervasive species stubbornly reclaim territory, challenging the city's efforts to maintain its cultivated greenery.
North America > United States > South Carolina > Charleston
More Plants in Charleston
Most Common Toxic Plants
Most Common Flowers
Most Common Flowers of Spring
Most Common Spring Fruits
Most Common Fruits
Most Common Trees
Most Common Tall Trees
Most Common Plants
In Charleston, you can find Virginia creeper, Sweetgum, Cabbage palm, Spanish moss, Chinese tallow, and more! There are 50 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or public gardens.