Top 20 Most Common Trees in Thailand
Thailand's favorable climatic conditions and diverse soil types foster the growth of unique native trees. Among them, Indian Laurel, Mango tree, and Yellow trumpetbush stand tall as emblematic representatives. These trees hold immense cultural and ecological value within the region, contributing to the rich biodiversity and playing a significant role in local traditions and ecosystems.
Asia > Thailand
More Plants in Thailand
Most Common Toxic Plants
Most Common Flowers
Most Common Flowers of Spring
Most Common Spring Fruits
Most Common Fruits
Most Common Weeds
Most Common Tall Trees
Most Common Flowers of Winter
Most Common Plants
In Thailand, you can find Asian Rice, Heart of jesus, Marijuana, Golden pothos, Flame of the woods, and more! There are 50 types of plants in total. Be sure to look out for these common plants when you’re walking on the streets, in parks, or public gardens.