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Top 20 Most Common Trees in Puno

Puno, Puno, Peru boasts an urban greenscape that thrives amidst its specific environmental backdrop. This city is home to a variety of native trees, including Guava, Monterey cypress, and Olive. These hallmark local trees play a crucial role in shaping the city's green identity, offering aesthetic beauty, cultural significance, and ecological benefits. Trusted sources provide accurate information about these trees, highlighting their importance in Puno's landscape.

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Most Common Trees
1. Guava
Guava (*Psidium guajava*) is a fruit-producing evergreen shrub that grows natively in the Caribbean region and South America. Guava attracts the honey bee and other insects, and guava fruit is edible. Additionally, guava wood is used for smoking meat.
Plant Height:
8 m to 13 m
Monterey cypress
2. Monterey cypress
The monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a coniferous, evergreen cypress tree native to coastal California in the United States. It is a popular tree for cultivation and landscaping and occasionally for furniture construction. The foliage of the monterey cypress is toxic to livestock.
Plant Height:
40 m
3. Loquat
The loquat is an evergreen tree that bears delicious fruit, which shares its name. Its origins lie in China, but the tree has since been introduced to a variety of locations across Asia, Southern Europe, and North America. The fruit is generally eaten raw, mixed into fruit salads, or turned into jam. The seeds, however, should not be eaten. In Italy, loquat is used to make nespolino liqueur.
Plant Height:
3 m to 10 m
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4. Olive
Olive (Olea europaea) is an evergreen tree or shrub with great agricultural importance, especially in the Mediterranean. Its fruits are edible and widely used for making oil. Olive has acquired quite a few symbolic meanings during its long history of cultivation. The most popular symbol would probably be the olive branch, which represents peace and glory.
Plant Height:
4 m to 15 m
5. Oleander
Nerium oleander, colloquially known as oleander, is a shrub or a small tree, known for its majestic pink five-lobed flowers and deep green lanceolate leaves. Oleander is one of the most poisonous popular decorative garden plants, so it is advised to keep small children and pets away from it.
Plant Height:
2 m to 6 m
6. Poinsettia
The poinsettia is a common sight in the United States during Christmastime. It was popularized by Albert Ecke after he emigrated to California from Germany. Today, 70 million poinsettias are sold in a 6-week period.
Plant Height:
60 cm to 4 m
Common pear
7. Common pear
The common pear is a tree whose fruit is widely popular and grown all over the world. One way this fruit is unique is that it contains hard particles (called stone cells) within in its flesh that provides a gritty feel when eating. Common pear, when properly cared for, can have a life span of 50-75 years.
Plant Height:
2 m to 20 m
8. Peach
Peach is native to Northwest China. China, Spain, and Italy are the top three producers of peaches world-wide. The peach is also the state fruit of Georgia. Peach production in the US in 2017 was valued at $599 million. The fruit has a yellow or white flesh, a sweet aroma, and a skin that is either velvety (peaches) or smooth (nectarines).
Plant Height:
2 m to 8 m
Tasmanian blue gum
9. Tasmanian blue gum
Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) is an evergreen tree that can grow to over 61 m tall. Blooms from fall to spring with yellowish white flowers. Flower buds have a warty cap that falls off to release the numerous brush-like stamens. Attracts bees hummingbirds and other pollinators. Grows in full sun and is a great specimen for parks and city courtyards.
Plant Height:
45 m
Sweet cherry
10. Sweet cherry
Sweet cherry is a well-known species to fruit lovers worldwide. This stone fruit varies in flavor from sweet to tart, depending on the specific cultivar. Sweet cherry is also used for lumber and is a preferred wood type for furniture.
Plant Height:
6 m to 25 m
Blue jacaranda
11. Blue jacaranda
Blue jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) is a plant species native to southern South America. Blue jacaranda grows in many cities around the world. Pretoria, South Africa is known as the Jacaranda City. The blue jacaranda is often referenced in songs and literature.
Plant Height:
5 m to 20 m
African Milk Bush
12. African Milk Bush
African Milk Bush is rarely cultivated in the United States but is found growing in tropical Africa. The slow-growing succulent produces branches from the base, each one filled with a milky sap. The sap is poisonous is ingested and is also a skin irritant.
Plant Height:
3.5 m
Bur oak
13. Bur oak
A deciduous tree native to North America, the bur oak is large and reaches mature heights over 46 m tall. The acorns that come from this tree are the largest of all the oak trees. Bur oak is used most often for shade, in shelterbelts, or as an ornamental.
Plant Height:
30 m
14. Mandacaru
Mandacaru is a spiny flowering succulent tree that has no leaves. In spring, the blossoms bloom at dusk and wither by the morning. In the past, it has been used for timber and construction or feed for livestock at times of drought; now, it can be used as a living fence or as an ornamental.
Plant Height:
4 m to 12 m
15. Papaya
Papaya is a fruit-bearing plant that originates from Central America. The fruits are edible and sweet and juicy when ripe. An enzyme collected from the milky sap is used as a meat softener, which if ingested may be toxic. Keeping a papaya plant in your garden will welcome many birds to your landscape.
Plant Height:
6 m to 10 m
Corn plant
16. Corn plant
Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) is an evergreen, slow-growing perennial shrub native to tropical Africa. Also, it is a classic houseplant, grown in Europe since the 1800s. Its glossy green foliage that resembles corn leaves grow on top of a thick cane, which is why the plant is sometimes called “false palm tree.”
Plant Height:
4.5 m to 15 m
Black mulberry
17. Black mulberry
Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is a deciduous flowering tree native to southwestern Asia and the Iberian Peninsula. Black mulberry has been cultivated for a very long time in Europe and China for its edible fruit. It was imported into Britain in the 17th century with hope it would be useful in cultivating silkworms. However, silkworms prefer the white mulberry.
Plant Height:
9 m to 12 m
Norfolk island pine
18. Norfolk island pine
Norfolk island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is a conifer tree native to Norfolk Island, a small island in the Pacific Islands. Now, it is a popular houseplant all around the world. However, norfolk island pine is in danger of dying out in the wild.
Plant Height:
50 m to 65 m
19. Pomegranate
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a deciduous shrub or small tree, native to western and southern parts of Asia. It has a long history of cultivation and rich symbolism in polytheistic religions. Fruits of pomegranate play an important role in many West Asian cuisines. Aside from culinary uses, this fruit-bearing shrub is also cultivated for ornamental purposes.
Plant Height:
1.8 m to 6 m
Mango tree
20. Mango tree
Mango tree is a large tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It is most well-known for the tropical fruit it produces, and mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Mango tree can also be used for wood after the tree’s fruit production is over. This type of wood is highly prized for making musical instruments.
Plant Height:
10 m to 20 m
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